Sunday, September 2, 2007

Altered Tin & Accordian Album

You may have guessed that my selections are completely random. I'm actually posting things as I find pictures. Most of my pictures are on my personal computer and not my laptop ... but I'll get to them eventually :)

Anyway, this is a wedding gift for a friend. It's an altered tin and accordian album. I've since learned that you can buy pre-made accordian albums, but I made this one myself by cutting and gluing cardstock together.

The tin was a gift card tin ($1) from Walmart that I covered with paper, ribbon, flowers, fibers and stickers. Gluing on the ribbon was tough.

You'll probably notice that I made glue fingerprints on the metal words. I didn't mean to, but at the time it was unavoidable. I'll figure out how to do it cleanly someday. It probably involves tweezers and patience. The latter is something I really struggle with :)

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